Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!

We want to wish all of our friends and family a Very Merry Christmas! We hope that each of you enjoys the holiday with those you love the most!

With love,

Chad and Jennifer

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Christmas Woes

Yesterday when I picked Ashlee up from school...there was a sign posted about pink eye and that the children had been exposed to it...sure enough after getting home she was showing some signs so I took her in just to make sure. many of you already know...Ashlee and Gavin both have it...grrrr...Gavin seems to be doing better...and will take the eye drops just fine. His sister seems to be getting worse already and not wanting to do the eye drops.

Here is a picture of our little pink eye girl after I got her eye pried open and cleaned up (poor sweetheart)...I hope she gets better soon.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Just a few dance photos of Ashlee

Ashlee is enjoying her dance class! She is doing really well...and is also really fun to watch! Here are a few pictures that we took at her dance studio.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Christmas Traditions

Last year we started a new family Christmas tradition that the kids really love. One night during December we make reindeer sandwiches and Christmas trees for dinner…last night was the night that we did this.
We also watched the original Rudolph the red nosed reindeer show…the kids had a blast!
Here are a few photos!